The Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Shenbagam Hospital was started in the year 1977 as a small section with only bed side pulse monitors. On duty medical officers did bedside duty for the patients. Even in the early days with only minimal facilities we were able to save lives.
With the expansion of the Hospital in 2000, a separate ICU ward was established with 11 beds. It had facilities like Multichannel Monitors, Pulse Oxymeters, Diginfusa, Infusion Pumps, Ventilators, Centralised Oxygen and Suction. Specially trained Staff and Medical Officers are available round the clock on duty and on-call.
Cases relating to Medical emergencies, Surgical emergencies, Neuro emergencies, Poly trauma cases, Poison cases etc are administered in the ICU. We are proud to have a good record for the number of successful cases treated in our ICU. Post operative cases are also observed till full recovery.